
  • What solution are we using to the problem presented in the chapter of finding yourself a hosting company? What are the advantages and disadvantages of our solution? What alternatives could we have used, and which alternative did we use earlier in the year?
  • The solution that we used for finding a host company is using Git.Hub The advantages that we have encountered with using Git.Hub is that we can save our work there, it's free, and an easy tool to use. The disadvantages that we faced was that before getting started on using Git.Hub was that, the entire class needed to connect to connect with a server so our teacher can see our pages we create.

  • A few of our enterprising classmates have taken the initiative to register their own domain name. See if you can find these classmates and ask them how they did it. What is the process involved? Where can you go to register a domain name?
  • The way one of my classmates were able to have a domain name was that they went on and was able to purchase one for $12.00.

  • Compare the workflow presented in the book (which is a bit old at this point) with the one we use. How are they different? How are they similar?
  • The way the workflow that the book uses compared to the workflow we use differs from each other is that the book uses a FTP in order to get their files on the web. The book has to connect to the FTP server and then use "cd" command so it allows it to change the current directory so it can transfer where it wants it to go. Then to actually transfer the files do "put" command. If you want to retreive the flies you made you have to do "get" command. But the way we do that is that we command S (which is to save) and then we commit push which sends it to the Git.hub and automatically allow us to see our work on the web.